AI aspirations threatened by lack of skills for over a third of global CIOs

LONDON,, Over one third (35%) of global enterprises are struggling to retain or attract crucial skills in AI, data and automation, which is threatening their optimistic AI ambitions. This is according to research from an IDC InfoBrief, commissioned by Expereo, Enterprise Horizons 2024* which highlights a critically low supply of AI expertise, despite AI now being considered as the biggest priority for CIOs across the world.

The research of 650 technology leaders in global enterprises across Europe, US and APAC showed that not only are enterprises struggling to attract or retain crucial talent, but their current external technology partners are not aligned to their AI ambitions either. 29% of global CIOs said their current external technology partners do not have the right capabilities in place to support AI initiatives, and 28% of global respondents feel regional variations in ability to implement AI initiatives is a key challenge.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency