DOLE-11 issues 493 working permits for foreigners in 2022

DAVAO CITY: The Department of Labor and Employment in Davao Region 11 (DOLE-11) has issued 493 Alien Employment Permit (AEP) to foreigners this year.


In a statement Thursday, DOLE-11 chief Randolf Pensoy said they have strictly enforced employment regulatory services on the issuance of AEP to protect the welfare of Filipino workers and address possible cases of foreigners illegally working in the region.


AEPs are issued to foreigners intending to work with a Philippines-based employer for more than six months under Article 40 of the Labor Code, as amended.


Of the total 493 AEPs issued as of Dec. 20, Pensoy said 85.2 percent or 420 foreigners were based in the city.


Based on DOLE-11 records, the top five foreign workers here comprised Indian, Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese and Pakistani nationals.


Among the leading job positions for foreigners were operations managers, marketing officers and electrical specialists.


“Since 2018, there is a significant increase of about 44 percent in the number of foreign nationals granted with AEPs,” Pensoy said.


AEP applications are filed at the DOLE regional office that has jurisdiction over the intended workplace within 10 days from the date of signing of the contract or before the start of employment.


Source: Philippines News Agency